


What We Do..


  • Working on maternal health
  • Creating public awareness in the society

Family Planning Program

  • Distribution of birth control materials

Women Development Programme

  • Providing appropriate programs to lift women out of the web of dependency
  • Providing legal assistance to abused women

Rehabilitation of Deprived Children

  • Establishing drop-in centers for deprived children

Agricultural activities

  • Encouraging people in agriculture
  • Supply of agricultural inputs, fertilizers, seeds

Fisheries and Livestock Development Programme

  • Making duck, chicken, fish goat farm
  • Providing training to farmers

Programs related to Small and Cottage Industries

  • Establishment of Shikap under Small Scale and Cottage Industries
  • Training women in local and foreign cooking

Dowry Abolition Program

  • To create public awareness against child marriage, polygamy, dowry and violence against women


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